Understanding API basics is critical in a digital transformation. Especially in the enterprise. But do you know everything there is to know about APIs? Consider this your ultimate guide to API basics for the enterprise. Read along or jump ahead to the section that interests you most:API BasicsAPI Lifecycle BasicsAPI Security BasicsAPI Strategy BasicsCloud Basics For APIsMicroservices Basics for APIsROI Basics For Digital TransformationsSuccess Stories: How Leading Companies Leverage API BasicsWhat Are API Basics?Here are the API basics. You need to use APIs to connect applications and data. This may involve leveraging cloud-native technologies and managing microservices. When you do this the right way, you can accelerate time-to-market. In today’s digital economy, APIs are everywhere. They enable innovation. But they can also create complexity. That’s why it’s important to use API management — especially full lifecycle API management. To succeed with APIs — and go beyond the basics — there are three big mistakes you need to avoid. Watch the webinar below to learn them. More API Basics:What Are APIs?What Is a REST API?SOAP vs. REST APIsREST APIs vs. GraphQL The Future of API ManagementAPI Lifecyle BasicsYour API lifecycle is important. It’s where you…Create APIs.Control APIs with an API gateway.Publish APIs to an API portal, where they can be consumed.But how do you manage the lifecycle? And how can you manage it more efficiently, so you can accelerate API deployment? Explore the API Lifecycle HubLearn everything you need to know to effectively manage the API lifecycle. 👉 API Lifecycle Hub More API Creation Basics:What Is API Design?API RequirementsBuilding APIsWhat Is an API Script?API VersioningMore API Control Basics:API Proxy vs. API GatewayESB vs. API GatewayMobile GatewaysMore API Consumption Basics:Internal Developer PortalAPI Management Developer PortalAPI CatalogAPI MarketplaceMonitor APIsConsume APIsAPI CommunityAPI Security BasicsAPI security best practices are essential in the enterprise. You can’t risk exposing your business data or applications to an API attack. Here are the best practices you need to secure your APIs:Implement security early on to protect from vulnerabilities.Use the right security policies— like OAuth or JWT.Know your API compliance requirements.Secure everything — including your microservices mesh.Use security to drive your digital transformation strategy. Explore the API Security HubGet all of the API security best practices you need. 👉 API Security Hub More API Security Basics:OWASP Top 10 APIMalicious Code InjectionBroken Object Level AuthorizationRate LimitingT-Mobile Data BreachSnapchat API HackJWT Security Best PracticesPSD2 And Open BankingStrong Customer Authentication (SCA)PCI DSS Compliance API Strategy BasicsYour API strategy will make the difference between success and failure. So, you need to build the right strategy.First, you need to define your goals. Are APIs part of your digital transformation strategy? Are you trying to drive API adoption? Is your goal API monetization? Explore the API Strategy HubBuild an effective API strategy for your digital transformation.👉 API Strategy Hub More API Strategy Basics:Create Tomorrow’s Winning API Strategy TodayAPI Monetization StrategyAPI Strategy With Gartner Is API First Still Relevant?Cloud Basics For APIsAPIs connect cloud applications. They’re a key component of a multicloud strategy. And many enterprises today use multiple clouds.But what are the cloud API basics you need to know to succeed?First, there’s which cloud option is right for you. Which is better — multicloud vs. hybrid cloud? That might depend on your business. A regulated industry might need to keep some applications and APIs on-premises for security purposes. But they might also want to deploy some applications in multiple cloud environments, like AWS and Azure. In some cases, a hybrid multicloud is best, with some API gateways in multiple clouds and some on-premises.Next, you need to consider your cloud native essential technologies. APIs connect cloud native applications — and enable freedom to deploy across various clouds instead of being locked into a single cloud.Finally, there’s the cloud choice for your API management platform deployment. Which makes the most sense for your strategy? Get all of the answers… Explore the Cloud APIs HubLearn how to use cloud APIs to accelerate time-to-market and increase flexibility. 👉 Cloud APIs Hub More Cloud Basics:What Is API Orchestration?Multicloud & Hybrid Cloud Integration With APIsAWS API ManagementKubernetes API Management Kubernetes API Architecture Microservices Basics For APIsWhat exactly is the relationship between microservices and APIs? APIs and microservices are complementary. Microservices splits applications up into components. And APIs connect those components. Recently, a new trend is emerging in microservices — composable enterprise. This is a new approach to design that delivers business outcomes through the assembly and combination of packaged business capabilities.But how are you managing those APIs and microservices? When a call comes into an API gateway, you need visibility in the transaction from end-to-end:API gateway calls come in north-south.Microservices calls come in east-west.With your API platform, you need to be able to see it all.The microservices mesh, or service mesh, is another key component. This serves as the interaction layer. It’s important to ensure security in the service mesh, especially in the enterprise. Explore the Microservices APIs HubLearn how to use APIs with microservices to drive your digital transformation. 👉 Microservices APIs Hub More Microservices Basics:What Are Microservices?ESB vs. MicroservicesESB vs. API GatewayService Mesh vs. API GatewayComposable ArchitectureROI Basics For Digital TransformationsHow do you prove the value of APIs in your digital transformation? By delivering API ROI. ROI should be a consideration early on in an API management project. That’s why Akana by Perforce has put together tools to help you measure API performance indicators. Take our ROI calculator for a test drive to learn how you can drive more value through your APIs. Calculate My ROI There are several key components of API ROI you need to consider. Discover them all. Explore the API ROI HubLearn how to drive greater ROI with API management.👉 API ROI Hub More ROI Basics:IT Efficiency Open APIsInsurance APIsSuccess Stories: How Leading Companies Leverage API BasicsThe world’s leading companies are powered by APIs. And to drive success with API basics, many of these companies use the Akana API platform. Here’s why.Increase Customer SatisfactionA Fortune 500 company uses Akana to deliver exceptional customer experiences through the power of API basics. With Akana, they were able to:Protect their applications.Improve developer engagement.Enable API usage and consumption.A North American bank also uses Akana to deliver delightful customer experiences. With Akana, they were able to modernize services and create new partnerships. “Businesses want a seamless partnership. We were tasked with eliminating any resistance to leveraging our services. Our goal is to create a delightful, digital experience — and we’re doing it with Akana." — Senior Vice President, North American BankAccelerate Time-to-MarketA large healthcare company uses Akana to accelerate digital transformation and innovate more. Using Akana also helped them ensure security and compliance. A global insurance company uses Akana to modernize IT systems and automate agent and partner automating. With Akana, they were able to increase flexibility and gain agility to stay competitive. A global financial services company uses Akana to manage API basics and add speed to their teams. They gained efficiency and were able to ensure operational excellence. Ensure Security and ComplianceA multinational retailer uses Akana to create secure, manageable shared services with APIs. With Akana, they were able to integrate applications and data across the enterprise while enhancing security and compliance. A multinational banking corporation uses Akana to accelerate revenue and ensure compliance. They strengthened security and made it easier to engage developers.Deliver RevenueA health insurance provider uses Akana to accelerate payments by integrating systems and deploying APIs rapidly. They also improved security and scalability with Akana. A large bank used Akana to create a digital payments platform and drive more revenue for their business. With Akana, they were able to create new channels while ensuring PCI compliance. Go Beyond API Basics With AkanaAkana helps you go beyond API basics and accelerate digital transformation in the enterprise. See for yourself why Akana is the best platform for speed, security, and scalability. Watch an on-demand demo today. ▶️ WATCH THE DEMO